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For 4 years, this blog was called Pity Party – Table for One. I started it because I was going through a tough time in my life and thought it would be good to have the opportunity to blow off steam by honing my writing skills through whining, as well as to let friends and family know what I was going through without having to constantly repeat myself about the issues (and therefore get even more depressed at the status of my life). Turns out I didn't really want to communicate what I was going through, I mostly wanted to write about what I was cooking and eating and get on with my life.


4 years later this blog is still going strong and (admittedly with a small hiatus), I have consistenly posted my weekly dinner plans and recipes. Because I plan on continuing to do so, this blog has (as of September 2019) been tweaked, refined, polished and renamed, not necessarily in a more original manner, but certainly more in keeping with its general topic of seasonal, weekly menu planning (and recipes) for gourmand home cooks.


I really, really love to cook.  I also, hopefully without being too sanctimonious about it, care deeply about the quality of what my son (L.) will be eating. Which isn't to say that there isn't something to be said for a Big Mac, now and again...I find puttering about in the kitchen cathartic, a hobby, a form of mindful meditation, and  I really enjoy cooking from scratch as a creative activity. It also gives me a sense of pride to see that I am capable of creativity while minimizing the crap/processed food intake of my teen whose pediatrician tells me on an annual basis is one of his few patients whose blood work indicates that he does not need a prescription for a vitamin supplement of some sort. Eat the rainbow, people...


I like to peruse recipes - which I then never follow to the letter - and am therefore an inspired cook but bad at desserts (where exact measurements mean everything). I read cookbooks like novels, enjoy planning a weekly menu, like grocery shopping (weird I know) and am passionate about CSA boxes, farmers’ markets and eating seasonally. I think about food pretty much constantly the rest of the time.  This sounds as though I should weigh about 800 pounds by now, but I don't.  I stress off most of the extra calories except those pesky extra 20 pounds which are less and less easy to shift what with, you know, (whispering) menopause...


I hope that you will find inspiration for your own kitchen in my menus and recipes, and garner some enjoyment from my sometimes snarky prose. For answers to any queries that you might have, please check out our FAQs page.

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