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Coconut Chia Pudding with Mango and Banana

Texture is of the utmost importance to me in food and this "pudding" does not work for me though I can eat its glutinous cousin, tapioca, with no problem whatsoever. L. however can scarf it like nobody's business and since chia seed is very nutritious (, I continue to make it for him, especially as I can whip it up in less than 5 minutes before going to bed.

2 Tbsps chia seeds

1 cup full-fat Greek yogurt, plain

1/2 cup full-fat coconut milk

1 Tbsp coconut syrup (or more to taste) or honey if coconut syrup proves illusive

Mix all the ingredients together well. Chill overnight.

Serve for dessert or breakfast, topped with sliced mango (frozen is fine) and banana. If I'm feeling particularly chipper, I toast some shredded coconut until it is golden brown and sprinkle that over the top of the whole thing which apparently tastes best in my antique glass ice cream dishes that are a bitch to clean and have to be hand-washed.

Keeps in the fridge for a couple of days. I promise to get better about photographing dishes in the future and get rid of the blackboard with "recipes" on it that I use as a filler.

(Original recipe, inspired by a variety of chia seed recipes online).

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