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Corn and Eggdrop Soup

I used the last of this year's corn today (unless LA has year round corn to go with the never ending monotonous sunny climate never mind the drought) and made stock with a chicken carcass that I had stashed in the freezer. I personally prefer summertime cold corn soup but since L. orders eggdrop or corn soup any time we have Chinese food, it seemed wise to come up with my own hybrid version of his restaurant favorite.

5 cups chicken stock (homemade really does work best here)

6 ears of corn

1/2 cup chopped scallion greens

3 eggs

2 tsps soy sauce

1 Tbsp salsa verde (I had some left in the fridge that I wanted to use so this ingredient is optional though it cuts the sweetness of the corn a bit while being pretty much as unauthentic as you can get. Go globalization!)

Remove the corn kernels from the cobs. Yes, it's a pain and messy.

Break each cob into 3 and place in a large pan with the stock. Heat over low heat for about 20 mns to allow some of the corn flavor from the cobs to infuse the stock. Add the corn kernels and allow to cook for 5 mns.

Remove the cob pieces with tongs. Discard.

Place half of the soup in a blender until smooth. Return to the pot with the unblended portion of the soup, the salsa (or not) and the soy sauce.

Add the scallion greens and cook for a few minutes until wilted.

In a small dish beat the 3 eggs well.

Slowly - very slowly - add the egg mixture to the soup, whisking constantly. Should you have a small child on hand, s/he will love participating at this point.

Serves 4 when accompanied by biscuits or some form of bread or sandwich. I have been known to add crabmeat to the soup on the rare occasion that I have located some that is not prohibitively expensive.

(Original recipe inspired by any Chinese restaurant with corn and/or eggdrop soup on their menu).

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