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Bonus Recipe: Vegetable Soup for the Freezer

It's nice to have single portions of soup in the freezer that can be pulled out and reheated when needed. This recipe freezes and reheats well and can be reimagined in a myriad of alternative uses.


2 tsps olive oil

1 cup chopped onion

2 garlic cloves, minced

8 cups assorted chopped veggies

2 cans chopped tomatoes, juice and all

6 cups broth (veggie/chicken/beef/water/whatever)

1/2 cup wine (red/white/whatever you have open chug some in, drink some yourself to reward yourself for making healthy soup)

1/2 cup uncooked small pasta or rice or barley (or omit this completely if you aren’t eating the stuff)

2 (15.5-ounce) cans cannellini/black/whatever beans, rinsed and drained

1 lb fresh baby spinach/kale/assorted greens

About 3/4 teaspoon salt

About 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1 bay leaf

About 2 Tbsps chopped fresh basil

About 1 Tbsp chopped fresh Italian parsley

Hot sauce if wanted

2 cups diced cooked protein if wanted (ham steak, cubed salmon, chicken, tofu). I would probably not add protein to the base soup and just add it to each defrosted portion directly to give me more options but if you want to make 1 big pot and never think about it again then 2 cups protein is a good ratio.

In a large pot over medium heat, cook the onions and garlic in the oil for a few minutes.

Add the chopped veggies, the wine, the bay leaf, the salt and pepper and the broth. If I am feeling virtuous I cut and dice fresh veggies into perfect little compulsively equal sized shapes – whatever looked good at the store – but very often I can’t be bothered and I buy pre-cut veggies in the frozen section. My local supermarket carries a really good organic variety and I usually buy a mix of stuff and just dump it into the pot. Up to you. Cover, turn heat to low and let simmer gently for about 15 minutes.

Check for seasoning and add the pasta/rice/barley. Cover and simmer for an additional 15 minutes.

Add all the remaining ingredients. Cover again and cook for a few more minutes to heat new ingredients through and wilt the greens. Turn the heat off and let sit for 10 minutes or so.

Taste, adjust seasonings for final time, add hot sauce if you think you want/need it.

Should make at least 10-12 servings which should serve as dinner and leave you plenty to freeze for later.

Alternate eating options should you get bored:

Add a spoonful of pesto and some Parmesan and – oh look! – fake minestrone.

Add some chopped beets, some dill, a splash of vinegar and top with sour cream for a cheat's borscht-like version.

Add some soy sauce, some tofu and dump a whisked egg in – sort of Japanesey flavor. A spponful of miso would be nice here too.

While heating the soup up, toast a piece of bread topped with your favorite cheese in the oven. Cut it into bite sized pieces and float it on top.

Blend a portion and add a splash of cream. And/or sherry.

What different uses have you come up with? Let me know in the comment section below.

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