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This Week's Menu

One of my friends here, who admittedly has no interest in food, recently looked at the weekly menu I have posted on my fridge and dramatically rolled her eyes at me with a very LA "really?". And I topped up her wine glass with that useful NY "yup" that basically means "f-you (in this case for judging)". And, by avoiding verbalizing the subtext while both knowing exactly what the other really meant, an enjoyable evening was had by all. One of the joys of getting older.

Yes, maybe having a weekly pre-planned menu is compulsive and neurotic. Quite frankly, I really enjoy cooking and eating and devoting time to all of that but, with proper organization (which includes planning ahead and not oven time when I can be doing something else), most of these meals take no more than 20-30 minutes to organize. More time consuming items like lasagna I find quite cathartic to assemble. Kitchen time is also usually used to catch up on L.'s day while he has a post school snack or to answer a question while he does his homework. That kind of interaction and a glass of wine while prepping dinner works for me.

This week I over-indulged in a mess of greens - bunches of kale, collard, chard and mustard - because they were so beautiful at the Farmer's Market. Even though they do cook down, I found myself sneaking some in here and there, pretty much everywhere. L. isn't a big meat eater but even he eventually protested so, even though I am glad that I got healthy doses of extra veggies in our diet, I may have to rethink my multi-veggie strategy.



Mango/Pineapple Smoothie with Oats


Deli Roast Beef-Kale "Caesar" Wrap

Dinner [New Recipe]

Ham with Mustard-Maple Glaze

Turnips with Sour Cream and Caraway

Green Salad, Walnut Oil Vinaigrette



French Toast, Berry Coulis


Ham Sandwich (made with Monday leftovers)

Pumpkin Seed Hummus with Crudites *

Dinner [Pasta]

Frisee Salad with Nuts, Walnut Oil Dressing



Greens Omelette with Gruyere


Chicken Soup with Veggies (and more Greens)

Crackers and Cheese

Dinner ["Ethnic" Food]

Fish Curry

Whole Wheat Na'an





Roast Beef and Goat Cheese Salad with Arugula

Dinner [Soup and Homemade Bread]

Ham and Split Pea Soup (made with Monday leftovers)



Overnight Oats with Grated Apple and Nuts


Ham and Cheese Sandwich

Steamed Edamame

Dinner [Vegetarian]

Asian Tomato Salad



Son never and Netflix for me.


Cantonese Rice

(leftovers from the whole week)

Dinner ["Picnic" Dinner]


On kitchen strike. To each his own from fridge and freezer. For some this meant cereal. For others cold fried rice.

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