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Bonus Recipe: Holiday Canapes - Savory Palmiers

In California, people Just drop in on you. This came as a surprise to me, though also as a huge incentive to always have a presentable house. I always have ready made puff pastry in the freezer (one of the few ready made products that I stock) so many incarnations of these palmiers have been made over the years we have lived here to serve with a glass of wine. They look really pretty as well so I trot some variation out for the holidays.

Buy the very best quality puff pastry that you can as this really will make a difference. I have given alternative filling ideas below in order that you have some options but my favorite is the one in the recipe below. (Also, though I am a one photo per post kind of a girl, I have borrowed a photo below from to illustrate the palmier process. It is simple to execute but difficult to explain in writing.)

Last but not least, though this is a long post because the steps are difficult to explain, it is actually a very easy and painless process to complete and you will always get kudos because non-cooks think you have labored tirelessly over a hot stove. I would bet money on this becoming part of your holiday/cocktail party/pre-dinner party drinks repertoire.

Makes about 12-16 palmiers

1 sheet best quality puff pastry dough, unthawed. Monitor this carefully as you want it unthawed but not room temperature - this will make the dough sticky. If it is sticky then put it in the fridge for 10 minutes before attempting to use the rolling pin.

10 finely chopped salted anchovies (as much salt as possible brushed off, but not obsessively so)

1/2 cup grated Parmesan

2 tsp fennel seeds

1 tsp red pepper flakes

Place the puff pastry dough on a floured board. Flour a rolling pin and roll out the puff pastry. At this point I often flip the pastry over so that both sides get floured and I have a better chance of the pastry not sticking to the board.

Dot half of the anchovies over the pastry, sprinkle on half of the Parmesan and the spices. Press in lightly so that the filling elements will adhere to the surface of the dough.

Taking one of the longest sides of your rectangular dough piece, fold it in towards the middle. Repeat with the other side. The two long sides should meet in the middle but not overlap (Image - step 1).

Using a floured rolling pin, roll over the dough a couple of times to flatten the seam. Sprinkle on the rest of the anchovies, Parmesan and spices. Repeat the fold towards the middle (Image - step 2). Fold the rectangular dough over once to make a log (Image - step 3).

At this point, flour everything within sight and refrigerate for 10 minutes so that the dough can be handled more easily. Preheat the oven to 400. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or, if you own a Silpat mat, now is the time to use it!

Remove the dough from the fridge and, using your very sharpest knife, cut the log of dough into as many slices as you can (Image - step 4). Place each of the pieces on the baking sheet. They shouldn't touch as the cooked version will spread a little. My end pieces are never as even as the ones illustrated above. I cook them anyway and L. and I each get one before the guests arrive.

Bake for 10-12 minutes. Flip the palmiers over (a spatula is your best bet) and cook for another 5-7 minutes until puffy and golden. You will know they are done when the most central fold looks like flaky pastry rather than uncooked dough. Keep an eye on the palmiers during the final 2-5 minute cooking period as they go from delicious and golden to crisp and burned in a matter of seconds.

Allow to cool on a rack and serve with wine, Champagne or your cocktail of choice.

Alternative Filling Ideas:

Chopped preserved lemon, Italian parsley and Halloumi cheese

Pesto and lemon zest

Feta and rosemary

Tapenade and goat cheese

Grated Gruyère cheeseand crumbled bacon

Chopped smoked salmon and dill

Sea salt and chopped herbs

Blue cheese and chopped dates

Onion marmelade and Camembert

Pâté de foie gras and cranberry sauce

Diced Chorizo and chilis in adobo sauce

Sugar and cinnamon

As illustrated above (photo edited 01/15/20: chopped basil, brined green peppercorns, chopped anchovies and Parmesan

The possibilities are endless!

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