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Guest Post - The Perfect New Year's Eve Cheese Plate From Pascal Vittu of Vraiment Fromage, Inc

Pascal Vittu is the Cheese Sommelier for the Dinex Group in New York and also owns a company, Vraiment Fromage, Inc, which caters to private clients for events, displays, buffets, etc. (Feel free to contact me if you would like to get in touch with him). He is also a specialist in "affinage", the art of aging cheeses perfectly, in order to serve them at their peak. I asked him to give Pity Party some New Year's Eve cheese ideas because, though I love a good cheese plate at the end of a festive meal, I do tend to always serve the same things. My basic cheese plate always ends up being a triple cream like a Saint André, a Morbier and a Roquefort - simply because I like them. It is time to branch out and act like a connoisseur!

I would probably serve the cheese course with a selection of breads and crackers (probably oat), a big bowl of walnuts to crack, maybe some nice ripe pears and probably some interesting condiments to serve alongside. Lots of people enjoy fig paste with their cheese platter but this year I am considering a Rosé Champagne Jelly to accompany my selection. If my trial run for this works out I will post the recipe.

Holiday Cheese Plate Ideas

If you want to make a statement but only want to serve one cheese so that you still have room to make dessert the star of the grand finale to your meal, Pascal recommends serving one of the cheeses below.

The "One Cheese Centerpiece" Cheese Plate

Vacherin Mont d'Or from the Swiss Alps (cow's milk)


Winnimire from Jasper Hill Farm in Greensboro, Vermont (cow's milk)

This is also a one cheese idea but is the show stopper of show stoppers; I would end my meal on this note.

The "Gala" Cheese Plate

(Pascal maintains that this cheese must be served only with good bread and a lamb's lettuce salad, lightly dressed with walnut oil, as it is decadent enough on its own not to need any additional frills).

Moses Sleeper from Jasper Hill Farm in Vermont (cow's milk) with Périgord Black Truffle

If you are going all out and want to give your guests a selection from which to choose, Pascal suggests any of the options below. Each cheese in the specific cheese plate will complement the others beautifully.

The "Convivial" Cheese Plate

Bonne Bouche from Vermont Creamery in Brookfield, Vermont (goat's milk)

Humble Pie from Woodcock Farm in Weston, Vermont (cow's milk)

18-month old Comté from the Jura region of France (cow's milk)

The "Cheeses of Character" Cheese Plate

Kunik, from Neetle Meadow Farm in Warrensburg, NY (cow and goat's milk)

Epoisses de Bourgogne from Burgundy (cow's milk)

Persillé de Malzieu from the Lozère region of France (sheep's milk)

(Image found on Pinterest, source not attributed)

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