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Red Wine Spaghetti with Walnuts and Parsley

Contrary to my usual meddlesome ways, I actually did not adapt this particular recipe that much. I cut some steps to simplify things and changed proportions around a bit but other than that stayed pretty close to the original recipe listed below.

It was delicious and unusual enough that guests knew that I had done something to the pasta but had no idea what. Because of the wine, it felt like a curiously festive dish. I served it as an appetizer but would definitely make it as a main course next time along with an interesting salad.

4 cups water

3 1/4 cups dry red wine (I used a Cabernet Sauvignon)

1 tsp olive oil

2 cloves garlic, crushed and peeled

1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1/4 cup shaved Parmesan cheese (optional)

Place the garlic and the olive oil in a large pan. Set aside so that the garlic can infuse the olive oil with flavor.

In a separate saucepan, bring the water and 3 cups of the wine to a boil. Season as you would your usual pasta water.

Cook the spaghetti 1 minute less than directed to on the pasta box. FYI - fresh pasta is wonderful but will not work for this dish which needs time in its red wine bath.

While the pasta is cooking, chop the parsley and the walnuts.

Heat the olive oil and garlic over medium heat. When the garlic smells delicious and the olive oil is bubbling, add the remaining 1/4 cup of wine and allow to heat through. Lower the heat to as low as possible and keep warm while you are draining the pasta-reserving a 1/4 cup of the wine-water it cooked in. Add this to the wine-garlic-olive oil pan and increase the heat to medium.

As soon as the liquid starts to bubble away, add the pasta and the grated Parmesan and mix well. Allow to heat through for a minute or two so that the flavors meld together.

Serve topped with parsley, walnuts and (if you are using them) Parmesan shavings. Make sure that you remove the 2 cloves of garlic so that there are no surprises mid-meal.

Original recipe, here.


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