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Recipe: Carrot Top Pesto

I called this a pesto but, because I unintentionally emulsified the oil while making it, this is actually more like a carrot top mayonnaise. It lacks the verdant, spring-like flavor that I associate with any recipe that highlights carrot tops but, it was pretty damn tasty and we enjoyed it on salmon crumble as well as spread on crusty bread and topped with smoked salmon and a spritz of lemon. To be exact, I had it with smoked salmon. L. spread it on bread like butter and chomped his way through 4 slices of the stuff. It really is that good.


(made about 1 1/2 cups)

1 cup washed and dried carrot tops (type carrot in the recipe search bar for plenty of uses for the carrots that come attached to the tops)

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1/2 cup grated Parmesan

3/4 cup olive oil

Go through the washed and dried carrot tops and remove any yellowing leaves.

Process the carrot tops, walnuts and Parmesan in a food processor until they come together into a slightly chunky paste. Add the olive oil, little by little, to the mix. The olive oil wll emulsify and make a mayonnaise.

This recipe absolutely does not need salt in my opinion but salt if you feel that the Parmesan has not added enough. A little sqeeze of fresh lemon juice at the end might be nice too.

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