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Mea Culpa...

Last week was a strange week and it shot my culinary plans down.

Monday, I was supposed to make fish but we went out to dinner instead. Tuesday, I had planned to make calamari but L. came home from school feeling queasy so he had chicken broth and toast instead. Wednesday's curry did get made but it didn't taste how I wanted it. I will need to play around with the recipe a bit more so that I feel comfortable sharing it. Thursday's mushroom soup will get posted soon but let's just say that my usual productivity was marred by basically being in the the depths of despond. Constant limbo in life and employment status is realy wearing!

I am not telling you this to get you up on the Pity Party train with me. I considered spending part of Sunday making portions of the items that I had promised you since I had all the ingredients on board but that went against the grain of what I believe in. Life is not perfect, things happen, plans change and you get on with it. This is an anti-lifestyle blog folks!

I will post the new menu tomorrow. Don't be surprised if a dish that appeared in last week's menu and did not get addressed makes a new appearance.

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