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This Week's Menu

As of this week Pity Party also has a Pinterest account. It will be used as an additional recipe index so feel free to take a look at it if you are looking for specific recipes or if it is simply a format that you prefer when cooking.

Our local Farmer's Market has failed to keep me interested as I find the repetition really boring so I am researching a good, affordable vegetable CSA box (which will hopefully get my creative juices flowing again).

Other than that, nothing much to report. 2 job interviews this week, my novel submitted to yet another agent and still getting divorced. Same old same old...

Monday [New Recipe]

Caesar Salad

Fish and Chips *

Mushy Peas with Mint

Tuesday [Pasta - only sort of this week]

Green Salad

Braised Chicken with Salmorejo Sauce *

Buttered and Parslied Noodles

Wednesday ["Ethnic" Food]

Pork Tonkatsu *

Asian Steamed Rice

Cabbage with Homemade "Bulldog" Sauce

Thursday [Soup and Homemade Bread]

Baked Tomatoes Provençale

French Onion Soup *

Brioche Rolls from the freezer

Friday [Vegetarian]

Mixed Salad

Lentil Salad

Mushroom Buns

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Antipasto of All Vegetable Leftovers

Anchovy, Artichoke and Spinach Pizza

Sunday [Proper Family Meal]

Avocado Salad

Pan Seared Arctic Char with Lentil Stew and Andouille Sausage *

Red Quinoa

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