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Bonus Recipe: Frozen Berry-Yogurt Bowl

L. is not a morning person and it is therefore difficult to make him breakfast. His metabolism would prefer to eat breakfast about 3 hours after waking up but, unfortunately, L. tends to get up about 45 minutes before he has to rush to leave for school. I really struggle with items that he will choke down within that time frame, in order to give him the energy to make it until snack or lunch time. This usually means something that he can easily drink but which I have spiked with fiber to keep him full.

The following recipe is quite versatile since you can add any combination of fruit, vegetable and flavor of yogurt that you want in order change things up a bit. I always use plain or Greek yogurt because I am very sceptical of the nutitional value of flavored yogurts but to each his own. The most important thing is that the main ingredient be well frozen because you want the end result to be the consistency of a good sorbet.

Berry and orange are the flavor of the moment but mango with spinach and peach was a success as was banana with chocolate nibs and coconut. I personally like the more brightly colored bowls because I think that the color somehow serves to start the day off in a happier mood.


Makes 1 serving

1 cup of blueberries or mixed berries, frozen

Zest and juice from 1 orange

1 tsp or so Manuka honey

2 Tbsps ground oats

1/3 cup plain yogurt

Put the frozen fruit, honey and juice in the blender and blend until the mixture is the consistency of sorbet. You can just add everything to the blender and blend all together but the texture is a bit different than separating the ingredients into 2 and I like the way my version tastes better. Up to you.

Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the other ingredients. Mix well, adjust sweetness and serve as well.

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