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We're Baack...(and not in a creepy Poltergeist way...)

It's been nearly a year so it seemed like a good time for me to attempt to come back online. I have missed babbling about my thoughts here as well as documenting what I am cooking, though my methodology has certainly evolved a lot from when I had more time. I work a lot. Dinner is often cobbled together on the fly. I have perhaps rejoined the realm of the normal everyday cook because, in so far as my former menus are concerned, "aint nobody got time for that"!

Many of you have been kind enough to reach out and say that you have missed my posts so Pity Party is returning in a slightly different, and certainly more sporadic, manner. Since I have also been a terrible correspondent and friend this year, this will be a good place to check in on me. L. will continue to be my foodie guinea pig but, over the next few weeks, I think I will be able to identify what former series work for the new format and what new elements I will be adding. Certainly LA Snark is a thing of the past as L. and I are happily going about our lives in Manhattan and fully enjoying it though, with this year's delayed Spring, we are a bit nostalgic for California weather.

Hello everybody. Pity Party is back. Ish.

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