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Fish Cakes with Carrot Top Chimichurri

I made these with cod but I think that they might be even better with salmon because it is a less delicate fish and would stand up better to the couscous. L. is not a huge fan of fish cakes and I have been reflecting, for quite some time now, how to create a fish cake that he would enjoy. These passed the test and, while still not a convert, he did seem to enjoy them. And who wouldn't have; they were juicy and airy. Quite frankly, and the recipe below reflects this, I would make these again, without all the faff of the couscous tuiles in the image above (which did not add much besides a larger portion of couscous for the kid).

These fish cakes were originally supposed to be served on a bed of creamed kale but I bought 2 huge bunches of carrots today, with the longest, most beautiful green fronds still attached and L. requested carrot top chimichurri. Since I have not made it since the time I posted it on this blog, and since L. asked for it specifically by name, I rushed to make it. This combination worked well, probably - to be honest - better than the kale would have.

Exceptionally, this is a recipe for 2 people, rather than the usual 4.

2 portions fish of your choice (I used two 7 oz fillets of cod)

1/2 cup couscous

3/4 cup water

1 Tbsp fish sauce or 2 tsps rice vinegar

2 tsps prepared horseradish

2 egg yolks

1 Tbsp mayonnaise

1/2 tsp fennel seed

salt to taste

1 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tbsp butter

Boil the water. Pour it, and the fish sauce (or vinegar), over the couscous that you have measured into a small bowl. Quickly stir in the fennel seeds, cover with a plate and set aside.

Place the fish in a covered, microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 3-5 minutes depending on the size of your fish and the power of your microwave. Remove from the microwave and, using a fork, gently flake the fish. I say gently because you want a light, airy fish cake not a gummy one.

Add the prepared horseradish and the egg yolks to the fish and mix until incorporated. Again, use a gentle touch.

Remove the plate from the couscous and fluff the grains with a fork. Fold the couscous into the fish mixture. Taste for salt and add some accordingly. Form the mixture into 4 patties and place in fridge for 30 minutes to an hour to firm up.

Spread the mayonnaise on a plate and dip each side of the patties into it. A very light coating is all you will need. You can skip this step if you are counting calories but it does help create a crispier crust.

Melt the oil and butter together in a skillet over low heat. When the butter has completely melted, add the 4 patties and cook, turning once only, 3 minutes on each side.

Serve with aforementioned carrot top chimichurri. The acidity of the chimichurri will brighten up the fish cakes and the difference in hot fish and cold chimichurri is an added gustatory plus.

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