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This Week's Menu

I was unexpectedly away from Tuesday until late last night, hence my lack of posting last week. I will catch up with a few delayed posts within the next couple of days but am now officially back (and a day late) with my usual weekly menu. Hi.

Because I embraced Autumn food and cooking so fervently, during a period where I am less active than I usually am, I am not feeling quite like myself (for this read clothes feeling a tad tight...) Just as the weather is turning to proper crisp temperatures, such pale gray skies that they are near white and Fall rain that you enjoy from indoors while clutching a mug of cocoa, I want salads, crisp vegetables, citrus and clear soups rather than what I had recently been craving, which was basically more meat than I usually consume, root vegetables with creamy sauces and comforting cheesy casseroles.

This week I shall, if not exactly treat my body like a temple (which I am too sybaritic to attempt), at least pamper it as though it were a nice high-end resort. This week's menu has been planned exclusively for my wants, which will definitely not be those of a growing teenage boy; I have thrown carbs and extra protein in there for L. and marked them in italic.

Sunday [ "Proper" Family Meal]

Shaved Fennel Salad with Orange

Monday [New Recipe]

Wilted Dandelion Green Salad with Apple (with the addition of Pancetta chips for L.)

Baked Potato with Sour Cream (for L.'s Hollow Leg)

Tuesday [Pasta]

Chopped Dinner Salad

His Favorite Pasta with Parmesan and Bonito Flakes (for L.)


Asian Cucumber Salad

Wednesday ["Ethnic" Food]

Shrimp Stir Fry with Bitter Melon

Broccoli with Orange and Ginger

White Rice (for L.)

Thursday [Soup and Homemade Bread]

(with the addition of a Tuna Steak and Noodles for L.)

Friday [Vegetarian]

Mixed Salad

Chinese Fried Rice

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]


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