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This Week's Menu

I read that, across the nation, last year's Thanksgiving dinners were shorter than they usually are because politics are now so divisive in the United States that people argued over the festive table and went home early. Still, I couldn't resist the above. It could even be a conversation starter on Thursday....Hehehe...

This week is all about the turkey (and what to do with the rest of the turkey after Thursday) but I am quite excited about taking the French stalwart "Chou Farci" out for a spin of my own, with the addition of roasted root vegetables and some Middle Eastern spices to the classic dish. I think it will work. I am also attempting hot water crust for the first time. As an anglophile, I have read about it a great deal, and sampled it when I lived in London, but have never made it. I shall see if it is as forgiving as it is said to be. Also keep an eye out for my autumn Caprese, which is a good recipe to keep in mind for a dinner party starter - for some reason, people always seem surprised when persimmon shows up in a savory dish. And, last but not least, I have set myself a rather ambitious 20-minute challenge so fingers crossed for that.

All this to say -- check in all week!

Sunday [ "Proper" Family Meal]

Chou Farci (Classic Whole Stuffed Cabbage)

Monday [New Recipe]

Salad of Bitter Greens with Pumpkin Seed Oil Vinaigrette

Turbot Chops with Avocado Hollandaise

Primavera Zucchini Noodles

Tuesday [Pasta]

Autumn Caprese

Campanelle with Pancetta and Creamy Pea Sauce

Wednesday ["Ethnic" Food]

Green Salad

Fortnum and Mason Inspired Welsh Rarebit

Thursday [Soup and Homemade Bread]

Friday [Vegetarian]

Thanksgiving Redux

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Green Salad

Curried Turkey and Vegetable Pie with Hot Water Crust

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