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Blue Cheese Sauce

This is a handy sauce because it can be made very easily and in a few minutes and tastes very complex. Its only problem is that, because of the blue cheese, it does not have the most gorgeous color and is - in fact - a really homely though truly delectable sauce (in a umami on steroids sort of way). I remedy that by serving it directly over the meat - beef, venison or lamb work - rather than in a gravy boat. Still, it is best to warn fellow cooks so that the slight gray tinge of the sauce doesn't come as a shock. A sprinkling of chopped parsley might not be a bad idea either.

This recipe will make enough to drizzle generously over 4 filet mignons or 12 lamb chops

5 Tbps butter (1/2 stick + 1 Tbsp)

3 Tbps creamy blue cheese like Danish Blue

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1 Tbsp dry white wine

Place all of the ingredients in a saucepan over low heat. Whisk until the butter and the blue cheese have melted.

Once they have, and the sauce is completely smooth, allow to cook for about 5 additional minutes until the sauce is thick and creamy. The sauce may boil while this is happening and that is fine, just remember to stir from time to time so that it doesn't burn.

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