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This Week's Menu

Last week got a bit hectic and crazy, what with visiting family, job interviews and (mostly) the weather, including my getting snowed in in Philadelphia during the big blizzard. I cooked very differently last week compared to my dinner plan - which happens, life being messy - and am (again) behind on posting. This week promises to be so cold that I will not want to venture out beyond necessary errands and already scheduled events so I should be able to catch up with my backlog of posts. I can also promise you more soups, stews and one-pot warming dishes this week.

Those of you who actually read my menus every week will see that Sunday's dinner party this week is pretty much the same as Friday's dinner party of last week. I canceled it due to my delayed return home after the storm and we have had to make a tiny change to the stew as L., who very kindly unpacked the grocery delivery in my absence, put the clams in the freezer, where they promptly froze to death - a sentiment with which I could sympathize on my way home. Still, lobster tails instead of clams isn't such a hardship...

Sunday [ "Proper" Family Meal turned into dinner party]

Baked Camenbert and Crackers with Drinks

Green Salad

Cod, Lobster Tail and White Bean Stew with Yuzu-Kosho Red Pepper Romesco

Creamy Polenta

Cranberry Panna Cotta

Monday [New Recipe, mostly]

Dandelion Green Salad with Preserved Lemon Dressing

Baked Chicken Thighs à la Diable


Tuesday [Pasta]

Green Salad

Spaghetti with Creamy Swiss Chard, Gorgonzola and Walnut Sauce

Wednesday ["Ethnic" Food]

Green Coconut Curry with Zucchini Noodles and Tofu

Thursday [Soup and Homemade Bread]

Beefy Beety Borscht with Pierogi

Friday [Vegetarian]


Saturday ["Picnic"]

Ginger-Carrot Soup

Avocado Toast

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