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Bonus Recipe: French Hot Chocolate

This is not your momma's hot chocolate. Though that is delicious and perfect as comfort for a scraped knee or soothing after slogging home from school in the cold, French hot chocolate is in a league of its own. It is thick and rich, to be drunk in a delicate china cup rather than a mug.

I make this when I can't be bothered to make dessert or have a pressing need for something sweet a few hours after dinner.

This recipe makes enough for 2 portions.

1 bar of best chocolate, at least 70% cacao

2 cups whole milk (or 1 1/2 cups whole milk and 1/2 cup cream if you are feeling particularly decadent)

dash of ground cinnamon

pinch of salt

Sugar to taste

Break the chocolate into pieces.

Place everything in a microwave safe container (I use a Pyrex measuring cup) and zap in the microwave for 3 minutes, until the milk is very hot and is nearly ready to froth over.

Whisk the ingredients together until the now melted chocolate is incorporated into the hot liquid.

Pour into your favorite cup and enjoy, indulgent sip after indulgent sip.

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