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This Week's Menu

L. has offered to make dinner again this week so stay tuned for whatever he comes up with. We have had "the talk" about budgets (and how to stay within a reasonable one while eating well) but I would hate for that to somehow quench his newly found desire to cook and create. It is one of the things that has brought me the most creative pleasure in my life and I am enjoying sharing this part of the experience with him, rather than just the eating and discussing portion!

This week's menu is a short one as L. and I are going out of town to spend some family time with Stubbie (yes, I am aware that some of you think this is odd but, in my mind, marital exes remain family, especially when a kid is involved). Since Stubbie is a Chef and since L. wants to cook for him as well, I will post bonus photos and recipes if anything turns out particularly well.

Sunday [ "Proper" Family Meal]

L. is making a surprise dinner for my mother and me

Monday [New Recipe]

Turkey-Vegetable Chili

Tuesday [Pasta]

Caesar Salad

Pasta a La Vodka

Wednesday [L.'s choice]

Split Pea Soup with Smoked Ham Hock

French Boule

Thursday [Soup and Homemade Bread]


Friday [Vegetarian]


Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]


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