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L. Strikes Again!

L. enjoyed making dinner so much last Sunday that he decided to do it again this week and invited his G-ma to join. She very kindly provided dessert in the form of a dense, deliciously moist carrot carrot which I forgot to photograph before I threw myself on it. Since as well as being L.'s G-ma, she is my mommy, she is well aware that carrot cake is my dessert Kryptonite.

L. is still not comfortable with high heat, so got an assist with some of the cooking process but flavor combos and recipes all came directly from his imagination. This meal stemmed from L. looking for a "floral" component for his fish. Thank goodness for the spice markets of Little India.

I personally wasn't so keen on the fish head decoration, but L. felt it was a needed touch of whimsy. All of these flavors worked well together and I predict that you will see kaffir lime leaves resurface in some recipes in the not too distant future. In fact, just between us, I have some steeping in a bottle of vodka as we speak so stay tuned for any cocktails I can come up with once it is ready.

Bruschetta with Spicy Coriander Pesto and Grilled Chicken Marinated in Coconut Milk and Madras Curry Powder

Kaffir Lime Leaf, Monkberry Pepper and Lemon Salt Infused Rainbow Trout En Papillote, Served with Wild Rice and a Pea Leaf Salad

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