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And a Lazy Sunday Was Had By All...

As sometimes happens, all of my best laid plans for Sunday fell apart. Including all those food related.

The friend with whom I was supposed to brunch canceled at the last minute and L., having initially been enthusiastic about honing his culinary skills and being in charge of dinner, grew less and less so as the truly gray and dreary day went on. One cat went into hiding in the back of the closet and the other decided that my bed was the ideal place to be. I checked his vitals half way through the afternoon as he was very still, even by feline standards.

L. and I got creative with lunch since I hadn't planned for it and raided the pantry. We ended up with jacket potatoes stuffed with cheese, sour cream, bacon and sprinkled with bay salt and cilantro hot sauce.

Dinner was mediocre Chinese takeout.

I tell you all this, not to over share my life, but to illustrate two points. The first - if you have a well stocked pantry, you are always 10 minutes or so away from something good to eat. The second - even impassioned home cooks take the occasional night off.

Tomorrow's Monday and I will be back on track for home cooked dinners.

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