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Double Pork Spring Rolls

I used to make spring rolls for L. from time to time. They are absolutely delicious - one of my favorite things in the world to eat in fact - but quite labor intensive. Also, once you have assembled and fried them, you basically want to set fire to your kitchen so that you don't have to deal with clean up and the thin film of oil and corn starch that covers the room.

The last time I made these was 4 or so years ago. I was distracted and added double the amount of pork called for in the recipe. Those spring rolls have remained in L.'s mind as one of the most delicious things that he has ever eaten and I have been loathe to make them since, I have been afraid that they would never again taste as good as those in his memory.

Well, I made them for dinner this evening and he ate seven of them. I guess they were as good as he remembered.

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