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Carrot Fries

So easy and certainly a nice change from French fries and a new way to serve carrots when one is bored with them after eating them all winter. I made these with a bunch of assorted colored carrots from the market because they came that way but regular, good old orange carrots on their own are perfectly fine as well.

You could make these as a side for burgers or sandwiches, chicken with Indian spices would be good too, but they would also be a nice snack with drinks if you added a dipping sauce with a bit of heat to punch these up a bit.

1 bunch carrots

2 tsps olive oil

1 tsp curry powder

Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 400.

Wash the carrots well, tip and tail them, and cut into as equal sized batons as possible. They should look like French fries. I didn't peel my carrots as I was afraid they would lose consistency in the oven but feel free to do so if you would prefer.

Put the olive oil in a large bowl. Add the carrot batons and toss in the oil. Remove the carrot sticks onto a baking tray; reserve the left over oil in the bowl.

Bake the carrot batons, in one layer, for 10-12 minutes, turning them over at the half way mark.

Add the curry powder and salt to taste to the oil remaining in the bowl. Regular salt is just fine but I used pink Himalayan finishing salt so as to add an additional bit of crunch to the final product.

When the carrots are tender but still have a bit of give, remove from the oven and toss in the spiced oil.

Serve warm or room temperature; delicious either way.

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