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Bonus Recipe: Rosemary Old-Fashioned

I was out with a friend the other night, saw that the bar where we met had an Old-Fashioned on their list of house specialties and ordered one, thinking that I hadn't had one in a long time. It was a traditional Old-Fashioned and came garnished with the usual orange slice and cherry. My friend and I discussed the fact that it is a drink for grown-ups, meant to be savored and sipped rather than quaffed. I really enjoyed it, except for the fact that it was just a tiny bit too sweet for my taste.

This got me thinking about making my own and how a back note of something herbaceous would cut the sweetness, which is needed to balance the Bourbon's strength. I am pretty happy with my recipe and my friend approves as well.

For those of you with eagle eyes, I keep a clean house. Those windows are the aftermath of our fourth snowstorm in recent weeks. The window cleaner will be hired as soon as the world decides it is spring.

This recipe serves one. Multiply and go forth. Happy Friday.

1 measure Bourbon (mine is about 1/4 cup, yours may be more or less)

Generous shake of grapefruit bitters

Peel from 1/2 grapefruit

1 small sprig rosemary

Grapefruit Perrier or Champagne to top up

Slice a small piece of grapefruit peel from the grapefruit half. Reserve to use as garnish.

Place the rest of the peel and the rosemary sprig in a low ball glass. Muddle gently and discard. Fill the glass with ice.

Add the Bourbon, bitters and simple syrup to the glass. Stir once or twice to combine as simple syrup is heavier than the other ingredients and will fall to the bottom of the glass if you skip this step.

Top up the glass with grapefruit Perrier or Champagne or sparkling wine. I just happened to have an opened bottle of Champagne so we tried this and it was very festive. Grapefruit Perrier works as well.

Check cocktail and adjust taste if needed - you may want more simple syrup and like it sweeter than I do. Garnish with the piece of peel that you set aside and savor. Do not guzzle.

Inspiration recipe, here.

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