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Kombu Cured Salmon Burgers (Sort of...)

I often feel that fish today doesn't taste as much of the ocean as it did when I was younger. Having read about a Japanese chef in Ireland who brines his fish in kombu before using it, I decided to give this method a try. I highly recommend it, at least for salmon.

I have been on a quest for the perfect crispy skin to fish for years now; only very occasionally do I attain this state of nirvana. The salmon cooked for this burger had the most wonderful skin, so much so that L. refused to insert his in the burger bun and ate the bread on the side. I ate my salmon as I intended it, in burger form with the skin for added crunch against the toasted bun, but forgot to take a photo first hence the photo of the fish above. I took that one to send to Stubbie to show him the status of my quest since he has had to hear about it for years.

Either way, this is a must make dish. The recipe for 2 people, as opposed to my usual 4. I would suggest doubling the salmon and tripling the sauce for 4 people.

2 skin-on salmon fillets, carefully checked for pin bones

1 large sheet of kombu from your local Asian supermarket or Amazon

2 buns, I used brioche hamburger buns from my local bakery

1/3 cup mayonnaise, Hellman's is best IM(H)O

1 Tbsp chopped spring onion

1 Tbsp capers

1 Tbsp chopped cornichons

1 Tbsp Italian parsley or dill or tarragon or your favorite herb

1 hardboiled egg, peeled and roughly chopped

zest and juice from 1/2 lemon

1/2 tsp brine from the capers

1/2 tsp brine from the cornichons

1 tsp olive oil

The day before you plan to cook the fish, break the sheet of kombu in 2 and rehydrate it by covering it with cold water and leaving it for about 30 minutes. Remove each sheet from the water and use it to wrap the salmon in. place the salmon parcels in a bowl in the fridge and leave until 30 minutes before you need them. At that point, remove them from the fridge, unwrap them and dry them very carefully with paper towels. Just before cooking, generously sprinkle all sides of the salmon with salt and white pepper.

Heat the olive oil in a large skillet (non-stick or seasoned is best) over medium heat. As soon as it is hot, add the salmon - skin side down - and reduce the heat. Cook for 8 minutes without touching or moving the fish though you can move the pan from time to time to redistribute the oil..

During the 8 minutes while the fish is cooking, mix all the other ingredients together in a bowl to make a flavored mayo and stick your hamburger buns (separated into tops and bottoms) under the broiler for a minute or so to toast and crisp up.

After 8 minutes, check the top of the fish. If it is nearly cooked through, flip and cook skin side up for an additional 30 seconds. If still partially pink, flip and cook for 1-3 minutes, checking to make sure that you do not overcook it.

To assemble place 1/4 of the mayonnaise on each bun half. Top the bottom half with the crispy salmon and add whatever you usually put on a burger, tomato, lettuce, red onion, etc. Avocado is good in this. Top with the mayonnaise smeared bun half and enjoy.

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