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Chicken “Pita-wich”

Heinous picture. Good sandwich.

I wanted this to be a meal of a sandwich, to be firmly grasped with both hands, not something small and dainty. I originally wanted to make it on na'an (the obvious choice for a sandwich of chicken with Indian spices, which I still recommend) but ended up with pita as my grocery store was out of na'an and I didn't feel like making it from scratch.

Making this sandwich on pita was just fine but having to insert the filling into a pocket rather than just folding na'an around it did make for rather messy eating and limited my filling options.

Still, good picnic food with enough spillage for the ants, as it should be.

4 chicken thighs, cut in half lengthwise

4 wholewheat pitas

1/2 cup full-fat plain yogurt

2 tsps curry powder

Juice and zest of one lemon

Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 400.

Mix the yogurt, the zest and the curry powder together. Add the chicken pieces and toss to make sure that all sides are coated with the spiced yogurt.

Place the chicken on a foil lined baking tray, salt, and bake for 18-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the chicken.

Cut the pitas in half and, a few minutes before the chicken is supposed to come out of the oven, add the pita to the oven to warm through.

Remove the chicken from the oven and squeeze the lemon over the top to release itsjuice. Place a piece of the chicken in each pita half and add condiments and veggies of your choice. L. and I tried shredded lettuce, mint leaves, chopped spring onion, thinly sliced fennel and pickled jalapeno. If I had had tomato to hand, a slice would not have come amiss.

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