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Individual Orange Blossom Ricotta Cheesecake Puddings

I read the inspiration recipe below and planned on making it because it sounded absolutely delicious. However, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted a lighter dessert for the meal that I was cooking. I also couldn't see the point of the cornflour in the original recipe as I thought the eggs would add enough substance to thicken the dish. All this led to a pudding for dessert, rather than an actual cheesecake, and was a bit of a triumph.

This pudding is tangy like a cheesecake but very light and airy. I served it with a compote of rehydrated dried apricots (recipe below) but I think that next time I would use berries, tossed with a little sugar and orange blossom water, instead. You could also use vanilla instead of orange blossom or tie in your flavoring with your topping.

Any way you want to flavor or top this versatile dessert, this is a really easy, 5 minute of prep time winner.

1 cup ricotta

3/4 cup cream

1/2 cup sugar

2 tsps orange blossom water

1 egg

Preheat oven to 350.

Place all ingredients in a bowl and beat well, until the mixture is smooth. Pour into 4 oven-safe dishes.

Place the pudding dishes in a larger baking dish and pour hot water up to the pudding dishes' half way mark, I find it easier to put the baking dish with the puddings in the oven and then add the water.

Bake for 20-30 minutes. Since this will very much depend on your oven, start checking at 20 minutes. The puddings will be done when there is just a slight jiggle in the center of the puddings when you move the dish.

Remove from the oven and from the dish containing the water. Allow to cool before serving with the topping of your choice.

To make the the apricot topping that I used, place about 8 apricots in a dish and cover with boiling water. Allow to rehydrate for 20 minutes. Drain off the water, add 2 teaspoons each of Cocchi Americano and orange marmalade to the bowl and blend well with an immersion blender, until smooth. Add 1/4 teaspoon of orange blossom water and stir to combine.

Inspiration recipe, here.

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