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Dinner Party

L. offered to make sushi for my sister's boyfriend's birthday but, somehow, when he was done with his menu there were an equal number of courses for me to make as well. Funny how that happens...

We started with a cocktail of fresh rhubarb juice, tarragon simple syrup and vodka, topped up with ginger beer. A good spring cocktail but a dangerous one - strong flavors made it difficult to get the right dosage of vodka and I may have gone a bit overboard...

L.'s pre-appetizer of Meyer lemon marinated hamachi with radish sprouts, served on a perilla leaf - all to be eaten in one bite.

My appetizer was a chawan mushi (Japanese savory custard) with shrimp, octopus and shiitake mushrooms. It was not my best attempt and could be why I completely forgot to take a photo of it.

L.'s modern take on sushi. I am not a huge fan of sushi to begin with but I found L.'s scallop sushi with fennel fronds delicious and his ikura (fish eggs) with thyme blossoms a revelation, which I will be turning into a pasta dish at some point.

My sister brought a lovely bottle of Champagne and a good time was had by all. I think.

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