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This Week's Menu

I have never cooked soft shell crabs before so wanted to set myself that challenge while they are in season. Cooking them on Sunday rather defeats the purpose of my pantry/freezer meal plan but a) you need to cook them very soon after buying them and b) I have everything else that I will use in the recipe in my fridge and pantry, So there.

Other than that it seems that this is both a porky and a vegetable-full week. Upon rereading my menu, I had to laugh. Though I did not plan it accordingly, these theme is continued on the days when we are out as well - tonkatsu at my mother's on Monday and a Middle Eastern vegetarian feast at a friend's on Wednesday.

I am not complaining.

Sunday [ Pantry + Freezer Meal]

Crispy Soft Shell Crabs with Purple Mizuna, Avocado and Red Scallion Salad,

Lemon Vinaigrette

Monday [Wildcard]


Tuesday [Pasta]

Romaine Wraps with Pork and Veggies

Wednesday [L.'s choice]


Thursday [Fish]

Arugula Salad

Fish Stew with Green Garlic

Friday [Vegetarian]

Spinach Salad with Avocado, Poached Eggs, Flowering Chives

Warm Honey-Mustard Dressing

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Mixed Salad with Herbs

Baby Back Ribs


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