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This Week's Menu

This week seems to mark the beginning of the summer season, with invites to potlucks and BBQs coming our way with flattering frequency. I continue with my Sunday night project of cooking from what is languishing in pantry, fridge and freezer and finding uses for the overwhelming masses of lemon balm from the balcony which I have named Audrey. Hopefully the resemblance to Little Shop Of Horrors stops there.

Sunday [ Pantry + Freezer Meal]

Cold Asparagus Soup with Wasabi Cream

Choripán (Argentinian Chorizo, Chimichurri, and Salsa Sandwiches)

Summer Couscous Salad

Monday [Wildcard]

Green Salad with Lemon Balm Vinaigrette

Grilled Mackerel Fillets with Braised Leeks

Steamed New Potatoes

Tuesday [Pasta]

Beet Salad with Horseradish Vinaigrette

Pierogi with Sour Cream

Wednesday [L.'s choice]


Thursday [Fish]


Friday [Vegetarian]

Tomato and Fennel Frond Salad

Arugula and Mushroom Quiche with Sage-Blue Cheese Crust

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]


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