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Grilled Mackerel with Yuzu Kosho

L. and I have been eating a lot of mackerel because he loves it and our local Asian market sells incredibly fresh fillets of it very cheaply. This is a good way to prepare it because the yuzu-kosho stands up to the strong fish flavor and the lemon juice slightly cuts the oiliness of the fish.

4 mackerel fish, skin-on

2 tsps yuzu-kosho

2 tsps olive oil

Juice from one lemon


Pat the fish dry on both sides; check for pin bones and remove them. Rub the yuzu-kosho onto the flesh side of the fish, salt lightly, and set aside.

Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat. I suggest turning the fan to high and the kitchen door closed while you cook this or you will have reminders of your dinner until the next day.

Place the fish skin side down in the pan, pressing down with a spatula to make sure the fish stays flat. Lower the heat and cook for 8 minutes. After 8 minutes, turn the fish over and turn off the heat. Leave the fish in the pan while you prep your dinner plates with your side dish; the residual heat will finish cooking the fish.

Place your fish, skin side up on top of whatever you are serving it with, spritz with lemon juice and sprinkle on some salt. I served this fish with zucchini noodles with avocado sauce but I think the mackerel would be very good with a warm potato salad as well.

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