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Braised Greens

I served this with ribs (see photo number 2) but it is a good base recipe to have when you are craving greens in your diet.

My great aunt used to cook these until she was sure the vegetables were dead (and a nice unappetizing brown); I tend to want a bit more texture and under cook these from the vantage point of Southern tradition. Keep tasting until you get them how you want them.

I plan on a cup of mixed greens per serving so please multiply the recipe according to your needs.

1 cup mixed greens, finely chopped (I used kale, kohlrabi greens, carrot greens and fennel greens but turnip greens, collard greens and mustard greens are also good additions)

1 teaspoon white vinegar

1 tsp oil

2 tsps chopped allium ( I used garlic scapes because they came in my CSA box but red onion, shallot and garlic are all good choices)

1/4 cup of chicken stock or water

Salt to taste

Red pepper flakes to taste

Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. As soon as it is shimmering add the allium (and some salt to keep it from burning). Cook, stirring pretty much constantly, until the allium has softened, a couple of minutes at most.

Add the greens and cook for a couple of minutes, stirring from time to time, until the greens are wilted.

Pour over the chicken stock and lower the heat. Cook, stirring from time to time, until the greens are the consistency that you like. Those to my liking took 6 minutes on very low heat and absorbed all of the liquid that I had added to the skillet. Should you need more time and your skillet be dry, add more liquid, a couple of teaspoons at a time.

To keep this dish vegetarian, you can substitute water for the stock but the fat in the stock will add a slight silkiness to the end result that water won't.

When you have the greens how you like them, add the vinegar, adjust your seasoning and sprinkle with some red pepper flakes.

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