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Bonus Recipe: Chocolate-Avocado Mousse

This mousse idea came together simply because I was making an afternoon tea in honor of my mother and have some small green glass port glasses that I wanted to use. My thought process was that this needed to be something quite rich as the glasses are not big, and that it needed to be a sweet something since the tea already had 4 kinds of sandwiches and soup on the savory side of the menu. I also happened to have an avocado that I wanted to use. Some Internet research, a lot of tweaking and a bad photo later we had something that was pretty tasty, with the creaminess of an avocado but none of the taste (which is fun to make guests guess). The taste really was all chocolate.

This makes 2 proper portions of pudding or 4 small servings. It is quite rich.

1 ripe avocado

2 oz dark chocolate, melted

1 -2 Tbsps sugar (depending on your sweet tooth)

1 Tbsp rum (or bourbon or cognac or orange liqueur)

2 Tbsps heavy cream

Pinch of salt

Whiz everything together (blender or immersion blender), until it is PERFECTLY smooth and silky.

Refrigerate for an hour to set and then serve as you would chocolate mousse or pudding. I served this with some graham cracker crumbs sprinkled over the top but whipped cream and chocolate shavings would be nice as well.

Inspiration recipe here.

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