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Sweet Corn Panna Cotta

This definitely falls under the classification, slightly old fashioned perhaps, of an "elegant" dessert. The flavor is subtle but perfect for the texture and creaminess of panna cotta. I loved it so much that I actually commented on the inspiration website, something I rarely do!

That being said, the original recipe suggested serving this with a blueberry-lemon compote, which I thought would overpower the corn flavor completely. I thought raspberries would be a better accompaniment and that their astringency would contrast nicely with the sweetness of the corn. I was lucky enough to find sunshine raspberries and I think their blush color looked lovely against the pale gold of the panna cotta.

Last but not least, I find American desserts too sweet so I have ruthlessly cut the sugar and eliminated the brown sugar, which I thought would be too strong for the corn flavor completely. I personally think I was right.

2 ears of corn

1 1/2 tsps unflavored powdered gelatin

3/4 cup whole milk

1 cup heavy cream

1/4 tsp salt

A scant 1/4 cup granulated sugar

Microwave the corn, still in its husk, for 8 minutes. This is my go to corn cooking method: it concentrates flavor and with this method the silk comes off really easily. Allow to cool. Husk, remove the silk and, using a sharp knife, cut all of the kernels off the cobs and into a large bowl. Discard the cobs.

Sprinkle the gelatin over a quarter cup of the milk and set aside.

Put the other ingredients in a small sauce pan over medium and heat just until heated through and the sugar has melted.

Pour this into the bowl containing the gelatin and the milk and whisk until all of the gelatin has melted.

Pour this into the bowl containing the corn kernels and whiz with an immersion blender until smooth. A regular blender works as well.

Pour back into the bowl that contained the milk mixture, through a sieve, pressing down on the solids to remove all of the flavor possible.

Rinse your sieve and repeat the step above. You want a silky smooth end result and, yes, you will need to wash another bowl.

Either pour into 4 ramekins or glasses or into one large bowl, depending on what presentation you are imagining. Refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight to allow it to set.

Serve garnished with raspberries which you have very lightly tossed with lime, lime zest and a tiny bit of sanding sugar if you have it, not for sweetness but for presentation.

I also think this would make a really nice pie filling in either a graham cracker crust or a cornmeal one.

Inspiration recipe, here.

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