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Duck Ramen

Eating this made me supremely happy. I was not alone; L. labeled this ramen one of the best things I have ever made. I was prepared to apologetically write about how inauthentic this ramen was (after all I used duck stock and collard greens), but it tasted exactly as a proper miso ramen should. It also had the mouth feel of a tonkotsu ramen because of the collagen and fat from the duck stock so - best of both worlds, so to speak.

I topped it with steamed collard greens lightly tossed with sesame oil and salt; bean sprouts quickly fried with a smidge of duck fat, chopped garlic scapes, ginger and salt and pepper; meat from the duck mixed with finely chopped pickled ginger; and a four and a half minute egg, halved.

I put a splash each of soy sauce and sesame oil in the bottom of our ramen bowls, added a generous dollop of red miso and then a skant ladle of the noodle cooking water. This was all whisked together - vigorously - to loosen the miso, and the mixture formed a thin paste on top of which I portioned out my cooked fresh ramen noodles. I poured duck stock over the whole thing, added toppings in a pleasing manner (sort of as I was in a rush to eat) and straight to the table.

A pretty perfect weekend lunch. I'm off for an umami induced nap.

(Photo of the 4 1/2 minute egg which i neglected to include

in the photo above in my haste to chow down...)

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