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Baked Apples with Bourbon Cream

A proper fall dessert and quite easy to make as well. The apples get all soft and fragrant, the brown sugar, spice and butter in the center melts as the apple cooks and the cold Bourbon cream with the hot apples is a really nice combination. Plus, you put it in the oven and forget about it while you go about your business.

4 cooking apples; I used Gala apples, organic ones so I could eat the peel

2 Tbsps butter, softened

2 Tbsps + 2 tsps brown sugar

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

1 cinnamon stick

1/2 cup water

Preheat oven to 350.

Core the apples, making sure that you have removed all of the pips and that you have not broken through the bottom of the apple or the butter will drip out during cooking.

In a small bowl, quickly whisk the butter, 2 tablespoons of the sugar and ground cinnamon together. Stuff a quarter of this mixture into each of the apples.

Place the apples in an oven safe dish and gently pour in the water.

Break the cinnamon stick lengthwise and stick a shard of it into the center of each apple; I plant them in the butter mixture. They add a little additional flavor and look like stems when the apples are served.

Place in oven and bake for 40 minutes to an hour until the apples are very soft. I test this by gingerly touching the side and seeing if the fruit gives easily.

Remove from the oven and set aside until needed - these taste best hot or slightly above room temperature.

Right before serving, dissolve the remaining sugar in the Bourbon. Once it has dissolved, add the cream and mix to combine. Pour some liberally over each apple before serving. It will mix deliciously with the hot butter and sugar mixture as you cut the apple open.

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