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Myoga, Miso and Pork Bites

I doubt that this will be my most popular recipe ever because so many of the ingredients are specialty items. That being said, if you cook Japanese food already or have easy access to an Asian market, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars - make these at once.

L. is prone to hyperbole and said that I didn't need to make anything else ever again as long as I made these. For my part, I simply yearned at the empty dish and wished that I had made many, many more...

I can't really transcribe a proper recipe as I winged assembly. They are easy enough to prepare though:

Cut myoga buds in half lengthwise.

Spread each with a bit of red miso, maybe about 1/4 of a teaspoon each.

Roll each miso smeared myoga piece in 1/2 a piece of pork shabu shabu meat (the paper thin strips of pork meat that you can find in Asian markets' butcher section).

Place on a foil lined baking tray and bake in a 400 oven for 15 minutes, turning at the half way mark.

Remove from the oven and drizzle with bottled ponzu sauce.

Restrain yourself for a few minutes so that the molten miso won't take the roof off your mouth when you shovel one into your mouth.

Eat several before feeling guilty and serving for others to enjoy as well.

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