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Last Dishes of 2018

As those of you who subscribe and receive my newsletter know, I loathe New Year's Eve as apparently (as illustrated above) does one of my cats. Crowds, parties and forced cheer are not among my favorite things. Also, the cats hate the firework noises at midnight and need human company to get them through the trauma or one of them will pee in my bed while I am still in it, not the new year start that I am craving.

Still, convention says that the end of the year must be marked in some fashion so, having opted out of any social merriment this year, my mom, L. and I decided that an aperitif hour would work for us and we could be in bed at midnight if we so chose.

We each made a cocktail nibble and bubbles were involved. It is now xx and, as far as I am concerned, I have celebrated and it is now next year. I have never been so thankful to see off a year. Annus horribilis indeed. May good things happen in 2019 and horribilis give way to mirabilis up the wazoo for all of us.

My mom made the best Asian meatballs EVER. Totally delicious.

Steamed Asparagus with Yuzu-Kosho Mayo

Prosciutto, Monterey Jack and Adobo Chili Cheese Sticks

And then at home, since L. was still hungry, miso chicken wings

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