I have had Jerusalem artichoke soup in the past and always thought "meh" so wasn't so enthusiastic about getting a huge bag of them in my CSA box. Still needs must, and I don't believe in food waste, so I did a bit of Internet research into recipes where this ingredient was the star. Ultimately though, I decided to simply cook and mash them and I now highly recommend basic Jerusalem artichoke mash as a side dish for fatty meat - duck, pork, etc.
About 10 Jerusalem artichokes (forgot to weigh them before I cooked them)
2 Tbsps butter
Wash the Jerusalem artichokes well. You don't need to peel them if you have a ricer, otherwise a spoon is the fastest way to remove the skin, which is quite thin, a bit like that of ginger.
Cut the Jerusalem artichokes into equal pieces and place in salted water. Bring to a boil and cook until soft, about 5 minutes. Drain.
Melt the butter in the same pan over very low heat.
Pass the Jerusalem artichokes through a ricer directly into the pan, or put the previously peeled pieces back in them pan and mash them with a potato masher to the mash texture that you prefer.
Salt to taste. Simple. Fast. Yummy.