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A Bad Week For Cooking

L. and I, and pretty much everyone around us, have been ill. Just with colds, which shouldn't be that big a deal, but this is one of the worst strains I have ever encountered. I am on day 5 and every time I cough, which is often, it sounds as though I am trying to hack up a lung.

I managed to make this week's pork chops - which were among the best I have ever made - but felt too ill to be able to remember to take a photo for you. The rest of the week was either about taking to my bed any opportunity I had with soup from the freezer (and my mom's freezer when I ran out) and a couple of delighted cats, or to cooking because I had to and not being able to taste any of it.

Let's call this week a wash and start fresh. A few menu items will be recycled to next week's and I will be making chicken enchiladas tomorrow because I lay in all the supplies for my Thursday dinner party, which I canceled, but tomatillos wait for no man and must be used.

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