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Chicken Meatballs in a Spicy Nut Sauce

This recipe is a revamped version of a recipe that I made a couple of years ago. Try as I might, it is impossible to make this dish look good as it is brown on brown on brown and I had no mint or parsley to add a little zip to the color of the dish. But make no mistake: it is REALLY good.

The original recipe called for chicken thighs in the nut-tomatillo sauce but this time I decided to use ground chicken meatballs in the sauce instead and substituted walnuts for almonds because that is what I had on hand. Served over kasha that had been cooked with lentils, shallots and chicken stock, this is a hearty, homey winter supper dish.

Just make the sauce referenced above with whatever nuts you prefer, cook off some meatballs made of ground chicken, salt and pepper just until they have taken on a little color sear, and finish them off in the sauce.

These would taste good with mashed potatoes, couscous, egg noodles, or even rice as well as kasha.

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