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Menu: Week of 2/17/19

L. and I had great plans for a Cape Cod/Boston get away during his "spring" break, but a rotten cold for him and a winter storm with temperatures of 17F and continuous snow, have slightly put paid to that. Not to mention that L.'s cold has killed his taste buds so even enjoying the Boston food-scene is also mostly off the schedule. Without knowing this, and having planned the menu ahead of time, everything this week has "in-your-face" flavor profiles which (hopefully) L. will be able to taste!

Sunday [“Raid” Meal


Monday [Wildcard]


Tuesday [Pasta]


Wednesday [Often L.'s choice]

Green Salad

Beef and Barley Risotto with a Mushroom Fricassee

Thursday [Fish]


Friday [Vegetarian]

Green Salad

Fregola with Walnuts, Rainbow Chard, Roasted Carrots

and a Tahini – Yogurt Cream

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]


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