It is starting to feel like there is hope for Spring's arrival. We have had a week with clear blue skies and pretty nice weather but it has been such a strange winter, with such rapid changes from snow to warm to back again, that I don't are hope quite yet. I will decide that it is Spring, not on Match 20th the first official day of the season, but when the produce in the Farmer's Market tells me so! In the meantime, contrary to last week (sorry), a fairly solid meal plan for this week. Enjoy.
Oh, and L. has been bugging me about my lack of repetition on the culinary front and would really appreciate it if I would occasionally make something that he liked again. I will mark those dishes with a "redux" /repeat emoji (🔁) when they appear on the weekly menu and post any updates or changes that I make to the dish in a separate post. Maybe it will be fun to revisit some oldies but goodies. Or maybe it will mess with my culinary creativity. Stay tuned to see.
Sunday [“Raid” Meal]
Mixed Salad
Monday [Wildcard]
Green Salad
Baked Butternut Squash
Tuesday [Pasta]
Green Salad
Wednesday [Often L.'s choice]
Mixed Salad
Stir Fried Squid with Green Peppercorns
Buttered French Flageolets
Thursday [Fish]
Baby Leaf Salad
Baked Bone In Turbot with Early Spring Vegetables,
Steamed Bulgur Wheat and Tarragon Butter
Friday [Vegetarian]
Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]
Sliced Tomato Salad