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A Diet?!

It was a sad, sad day in my life when I learned that the FDA recommended portion of French fries is equivalent to six - yes 6 - fries. This does not mean that I only eat six fries when I have fries, because I am a greedy, greedy girl, but it is a factoid that niggles in the back of my brain as I eat my 10th.

I have always mostly burned off excess calories through walking and the vibrations of a neurotic personality but with age comes, not only wisdom, but more difficulty in keeping off those pesky pounds....Since the needle on my scale is static on a number that makes me uncomfortable, I have invested in the plate below in order to be more mindful of how much I am eating. I have only used it a couple of times but have already, like with French fries, become acutely aware that American portion sizes are much too large.

Exercise, my least favorite thing, may come later but that will be the topic for another post.


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