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Menu: Week of 06/14/20

L. and I have had our fill of leafy greens. There, I’ve said it. Even as a proponent of all things vegetable, I really want a break from them. My local farmers’ glut has not necessarily been to our advantage as a once much appreciated item has now become a bit of a chore to eat.

For once in recent times (clarification: he is a teenager), L. was up when the CSA box arrived and helped with the unveiling. This is something that he used to enjoy, so it was nice to rekindle that moment, but we were both left disappointed. Especially during the warm, good growing months, I want to feel some excitement from my box rather than sigh at yet another week of every which way of kale and chard. Strangely enough for someone who is firmly calibrated on the “what glass?” measure of the glass half empty/half full spectrum, I truly believe that small moments of joy are often what get us through our day and this week the CSA box did not deliver.

All this to say that this week’s menu may show that I was not particularly inspired...And, note to self: buy green grapes and limes and make the mother of all California smoothies. That, and Monday’s appetizer, should get those pesky greens out of the fridge once and for all. Or at least until next week. Stay tuned...

This Week's CSA box contained:

Herbs: 2 bunches of Italian parsley

Greens: a bunch each of green chard, dandelion greens and Lacinato kale, a packet of mixed micro greens (photo above for those who wondered what that was) and 2 huge heads of green romaine lettuce

Alliums: a bunch of red scallions, an enormous tangle of garlic scapes

Vegetables: literally an armful of Chinese long beans, a punnet of Heirloom mini tomatoes, a baggie of assorted baby peppers, a punnet of white mushrooms, a large heirloom tomato

Fruit: -

Remainders: a handful of radishes, a sweet potato, a bunch of kale (sigh) and half a cucumber that didn’t get pickled after all

So, with the addition of the above remainders, basil from my window sill basil plant, 2 avocadoes, grapes and lime, the contents of this week's box (minus whatever we use in lunches and the aforementioned green smoothie) will be transformed into:

Sunday “Pantry Roulette”; fridge, freezer, and pantry item dinner]

Kofta Kebab with Tzatziki

Sliced Tomato and Avocado Salad with Tahini Dressing

Dandelion Green and Mushroom Salad with Ponzu Dressing

Warm Whole Wheat Pitas (store bought)

Monday [Wildcard; a more complex or fiddly dish than usual to test my culinary skills]

Salad of Mixed Steamed Greens with Bonito Flakes and Soy

Steamed Rice

Tuesday [Pasta]

Green Salad

Spaghetti with Pancetta, Heirloom Mini Tomatoes and Crispy Capers

Wednesday [L.'s choice]

Green Salad

Spring Rolls

Thursday [Fish]

Cold Poached Salmon with Preserved Lemon and Basil Mayo

Bean Salad

Friday [Veggie-centric]


Saturday ["Picnic"; something that is easy to assemble and easy to eat in front of a movie]

Edited mid week as L.'s dad is visiting and the ubiquitous Pork Wraps that L/ loves have been requested. Those of you looking forward to the Buffalo chicken wraps that were on the menu today will find them on the menu, next Saturday.


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