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Menu: Week of 07/19/20

Less wildlife talk this week. And more hydrangeas. I can't help it, I know that I keep on posting pictures of them. It is just that I find them so lovely, and have really enjoyed being here to watch them bloom.

While much of the country is suffering through a heatwave, we have been blessed with a series of perfect summer days on the Cape, practically a Hollywood Cinemavision version of what summer should look like. I am presently occupied with cleaning out the basement, culling 40 crates worth of books, and weeding out drawers and closets but I keep on getting distracted. The summer scented breeze, with a hint of salt from the sea, wafts in through all the windows as well as the basement hatch and I always end up outside. I am finding that I have Elizabeth and Her German Garden tendencies where mine is concerned and, by now, have a very vivid image in my head of how it will look when I am done with it. For now though, I am mainly concerned with keeping the tamed areas from being swallowed by the ever encroaching lush underbrush.

Today is the annual occurrence of “Big Nick’s Ride for the Fallen”. This is a Cape Cod summer tradition: a motorcycle procession to honor those who died for their country; vroom-vrooming American hogs only, no Japanese motorcycles need apply. It is quite a sight to see. We are lucky to be on the tail end of the route, as I would much prefer being deafened by the rumblings of 2000 motorcycles driving by my house at 2 pm rather than 7 am. Either way though, I am aware that our neurotic cat is going to have an exceedingly hard time with this and that I will pay for his discomfort.

One of summer’s many joys (for me) is to sit on the front steps, looking at pretty plants and flowers while eating a perfect piece of fruit, one whose juice runs down my chin and enthusiastically drips all the way to my elbow. It has been a while since I have found fruit that met that criteria, but this morning a succulent nectarine made me exceedingly happy, as did watching a chipmunk scarper around enjoying his morning. He was as interested in me as I was in him, so we had a little mutual admiration society moment before he eventually disappeared down his hole.

This nectarine was truly a good thing since, compared to Manhattan, the food selection on the Cape, with the addition of Covid-19 limitations on availability, is a bit lackluster, leaving me less than inspired at menu planning time. On the other hand, I guess that it is good to be reminded from time to time of how spoiled I usually am in the gastronomy department.

Because of limited access to items that I usually buy, this week’s menu is all over the map, and appetizer salads don’t necessarily go as well with main courses as I usually try when planning the menu. We are also having lasagna this week, which I do not see as a summer dish in any way, but L. saw a video about an unusual way of making it, which he would like us to attempt.

Have a wonderful week. I am off to lie on my back on the front lawn and daydream.

Sunday “Pantry Roulette”; fridge, freezer, and pantry item dinner]

Zaru Soba with Crunchy Vegetables

Monday [Wildcard; a more complex or fiddly dish than usual to test my culinary skills]

My handyman also has lobster traps so, fingers crossed, that is what we will be having for dinner – straight form his pot to ours! And L.’s dad is visiting, bringing fresh sardines as a treat, so we will start with those, stuffed with grated ginger and then doused in lemon juice, eaten straight from the grill. I have red beets in the fridge that need to be roasted and pickled cherries and can’t help think that there is a salad in there somewhere. Stay tuned...

Tuesday [Pasta]

Zucchini Carpaccio

Wednesday [L.'s choice]

Spicy Cucumber Salad

Thursday [Fish]

Cold Cooked Spinach and Bonito Flake Salad

Miso Salmon

Green Tea Rice Salad with Sushi Ginger and Quick Pickled Vegetables

Friday [L. has taken over Friday night cooking for the summer]

Shrimp Po’ Boys According to L.

Arugula Side Salad

Saturday ["Picnic"; something that is easy to assemble and easy to eat in front of a movie]

Make Your Own Summer Rolls


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