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Menu: Week of 09/08/19

I skipped this week’s CSA box order (gasp!) in favor of checking out my new local farmers’ market. It is that lovely time of the year where, as one season fades into another, you can see crossovers - fall pumpkins nestled up to late summer tomatoes. Pretty to look at, I thought while perusing the various stalls and buying a punnet of some of the first mushrooms of the season, but actually October would really be the best time at which to start lugging pumpkins home and cooking with them. So, of course, I couldn’t resist a beautiful Kabocha squash. Also, though I usually wait until after the first frost to start buying them (because they always seem to taste better then), I broke down and bought a pound of Brussels sprouts as well. Not sure what it says about me that I am a marshmallow when faced with pretty vegetables…

This week’s menu is therefore a mish mash of my farmers’ market visit and veggies left from last week’s CSA box (yikes) because, despite my best planning efforts, meals got a bit away from me last week - real life intervened and various plans changed at the last minute. I haven’t yet but I am going to make the lavender and grape galette that I promised you last week. I went to make it a few days ago as a surprise for L.’s breakfast, only to find that he had eaten all of the grapes in the night. This week’s dinner party therefore seemed like a good idea to attempt it again. The hot sauce that I mentioned last week has been started though (and a day one photo posted) but needs a week or so to ferment before being cooked and vinegar added. Stay tuned…

Sunday [“Raid” Meal]

Mixed Veggie Salad with Sesame Oil Dressing

Soy and Ginger Snow Pea Tips

Steamed Rice

Monday [Wildcard]

Green Salad

Braised Chicken Thighs with Prosciutto and Savory Marinated Peaches

Mashed Potatoes

Tuesday [Pasta]

Salad of Cherry Tomatoes Confit

Wednesday [L.'s choice of an item that I have made before and this week a dinner party too]

Nasu no Dengaku Dip with Jerusalem Artichoke Chips

Mixed Shoots with Mustard Vinaigrette

Kabocha Squash Puree

Grape and Lavender Rye Galette

Thursday [Fish]

Leeks Vinaigrette

Friday [Vegetarian]


Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Mixed Salad


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