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Menu: Week of 09/13/20

Sunrise comes much later these days and morning bird song has diminished to near complete matinal silence though birds are still visiting the bird feeders in the afternoon sun. Blanket weather is definitely upon us, though Indian summer may yet make an appearance, and I was happy to have a quilt and two cats with which to snuggle last night; it was 57 by the outside thermometer this morning when the sun finally did rise, as did I. The cats who have been getting up with the birds at 5 o’clock and demanding early breakfast, have started to sleep in, staying nestled in the warm bed that I have just vacated, another sure sign in our household that autumn is here.

With proper fall on the way and a start to the school year in Manhattan finally set, we have decided that today is our last day on the Cape. Though we have determined that L. will learn remotely for the nonce, since no one really seems to know what will happen or how to make this format of learning work, it feels right for him to figure this out from our Manhattan home and for us to reintegrate the normal location and schedule that go with the school year.

It will be hard to leave our yar little house and the garden which has brought me so much joy during our three months here, and I will be very sorry to miss the gorgeous Massachusetts fall foliage and all the seasonal changes to my garden’s fauna and flora, but it will be nice to get back to family, friends, school year rituals and -- yes -- my much discussed and appreciated CSA box.

A few offerings only for this week at this point in time though I predict some bonus recipes as soon as the above mentioned box arrives on Tuesday morning. We are at that delightful intersection of seasons where farmers markets and stores are full of the bounty of two seasons -- always scope for imagination there!

Jamaican Seafood and Coconut Noodles

Chicken Sambal

Ethiopian Spiced Greens

Potato Pancake Quiche

Many Bean Soup


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