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Menu: Week of 10/06/19

Last week's menu ended up being a bit of a mess. Since life often interferes with planning, I made a lot of editing over the course of the week, something I rarely do. L.'s dad came to visit and made dinner for us twice, which was nice, I made dinner for friends on Friday with last minute invites, and - despite planning cheese quesadillas for last night's dinner, I really wanted pancakes so made them instead. I write about menu planning and weekly shopping a fair bit on this blog, but I am now taking a moment to remind everyone that planning is great but flexibility is also an excellent attribute!

This Week's CSA box contained:

Herbs: red shiso, lemon verbena, lavender and Mexican mint.

Greens: gorgeous spinach, a huge head of escarole, a head of frilly red leaf lettuce.

Alliums: a head of garlic, two yellow onions and three gorgeous leeks.

Vegetables: an end of summer ear of corn, a punnet of red grape tomatoes, both a Delicata and an acorn squash, three blue Adirondack potatoes, two sweet potatoes, a couple of carrots, a punnet of Brussels sprouts, a yellow pepper, and enough assorted peppers (Shishito, Jalapeno, Habanero, etc.) that I am inventing a new collective noun for them: “a drowning” of peppers.

Fruit: A punnet of Cape gooseberries, a couple of Sweetie apples and some Asian pears.

Aside from the spinach (which will be turned into a nice salad for lunch for me), most of the herbs and the Brussels sprouts (which will show up in a bonus recipe for a goat’s cheese fondue to be served with drinks), the fruit and tomatoes (which will get eaten as snacks), and many of the peppers (which will be frozen), and with the addition of salad greens from the farmers’ market later in the week, the contents of this week's box will be transformed into:

Sunday [“Raid” Meal; fridge, freezer and pantry item dinner]

Green Salad

Campanelle with Griddled Squid, Green Peppercorns and Lemon

Monday [Wildcard; a more complex or fiddly dish than usual to test my culinary skills]

Grated Carrot Salad

Crushed Blue Potatoes

SautĂŠed Escarole with Bacon

Tuesday [Pasta]


Wednesday [L.'s choice of an item I have made in the past]


Thursday [Fish]

Dinner Bento:

Nori Wrapped Steamed Swordfish with Ginger

Delicata Squash Simmered in Soy and Dashi

Pickled Burdock

Friday [Vegetarian and a dinner party]

White Bean Hummus with Szechuan Chili Oil and Whole Grain Tortilla Chips

Acorn Squash and Leek Soup

Potato Pancakes 🔁 with Sour Cream and Caramelized Onions

Vanilla and Cider Panna Cotta

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner; something that is easy to assemble and preferably easy to eat in front of a movie]

Char Siu Pork 🔁 and Pickled Veggie Sandwiches on Baguette

Sweet Potato Fries


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